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dear fontai members,

this letter is my personal spam to you. i expect to write one letter per year. i decided to go with my english, no dictionary help. main goal is to explain why i force peple to register, when they can not find quick-useful on fontai.com. secondary goal is to give the reason to not regret they do so.


new fontai member with great potential to bring stability to our products. virtual central brain with warm human face, hopefully clients will understand and think twice to report a bug. meeting propositions are declined by fontai family.
fontai registration

truth.  everyone who is recognizable with data he provides can enter the network. if google can not decide, i am requiring details via email. after 10 years in business (7 years in corporations) i have decided to do it in different way. i am open to clients and open to people i am working with. and in fact i am trying to live my whole life accordingly. every decision i made is reconsidered again and again to be sure i am in line with credit i have set. i believe truthfulness can bring revolution in these times, just think one day about people you have met, about talks you have made, about news you have red.


not requested mail, no value added, privacy steal. i belive in electronic communication, i believe people will learn to acquire what they really want to consume (in general). we have prepared newslettering machine (firstly to send this letter in corresponding quality), now used also by other two clients. main expectation: start to teach the market the difference between spam and letter. 

lily fontai & michal jira